Our guide is available in several languages thanks to contributions by our incredible readers. You can view the translated versions of a chapter by clicking on the links below the chapter title.
Below is a list of all the chapters that are available in multiple languages. If you are interested in helping with our translation efforts, leave us a comment here.
Who Is This Guide For?
- es: ¿Para quién es esta guía?
- fr: Pour qui est ce guide?
- ko: Who Is This Guide For?
- pl: Dla kogo jest ten przewodnik?
- pt: Para quem é este guia?
- si: මෙම නිබන්ධනය කා සඳහා ද?
- zh: 本指南适用于谁?
- es: ¿Qué cubre esta guía?
- fr: Que couvre ce guide?
- ko: What Does This Guide Cover?
- pl: Co zawiera ten przewodnik?
- pt: O que esse guia cobre?
- si: මෙම මාර්ගෝපදේශය ආවරණය කරන්නේ මොනවාද?
- zh: 本指南涵盖哪些内容?
- es: ¿Cómo conseguir ayuda?
- fr: Comment obtenir de l'aide?
- ko: How to Get Help?
- pl: Jak uzyskać pomoc?
- pt: Como conseguir ajuda?
- si: උපකාර ලබා ගන්නේ කෙසේද?
- zh: 如何获取帮助?
- de: Was ist Serverless?
- es: ¿Qué es Serverless?
- fr: Serverless, c'est quoi ?
- id: Apa itu Serverless?
- ko: What is Serverless?
- pl: Co to jest serverless?
- pt: O que é Serverless?
- zh: 什么是无服务器?
- es: ¿Qué es AWS Lambda?
- fr: Qu'est-ce qu'AWS Lambda ?
- ko: What is AWS Lambda?
- pl: Co to jest AWS Lambda?
- pt: O que é AWS Lambda?
- es: ¿Por qué crear aplicaciones serverless?
- ko: Why Create Serverless Apps?
- pt: Por que criar aplicações Serverless?
- ko: Add App Favicons
- ko: Set up Bootstrap
- ko: Handle 404s
- ko: Display a Note
- ko: Delete a Note
- ko: 마무리하며
- ko: 더 읽어볼 것들
- ko: 번역
- ko: Giving Back
- ko: 변경로그
- ko: 최신 상태 유지
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