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다음은 여러 언어로 제공되는 모든 챕터들의 목록입니다. 번역 작업에 관심이 있으시면 여기에 의견을 남겨 주십시오.

Who Is This Guide For? What Does This Guide Cover? How to Get Help? What is Serverless? What is AWS Lambda? Why Create Serverless Apps? Create an AWS Account Create an IAM User Configure the AWS CLI Create a New React.js App Add App Favicons Set up Custom Fonts Set up Bootstrap Handle Routes with React Router Create Containers Adding Links in the Navbar Handle 404s Configure AWS Amplify Login with AWS Cognito Add the Session to the State Load the State from the Session Clear the Session on Logout Redirect on Login and Logout Give Feedback While Logging In Create a Signup Page Create the Signup Form Signup with AWS Cognito Add the Create Note Page Call the Create API Upload a File to S3 List All the Notes Call the List API Display a Note Render the Note Form Save Changes to a Note Delete a Note Create a Settings Page Add Stripe Keys to Config Create a Billing Form Connect the Billing Form Set up Secure Pages Create a Route That Redirects Use the Redirect Routes Redirect on Login What Is Infrastructure as Code Configure Secrets in Seed Wrapping Up Further Reading Translations Giving Back Changelog Staying up to date Review Our App Architecture Creating a CI/CD Pipeline for serverless Unit Tests in Serverless Setup a Stripe Account Getting Production Ready

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