Now, we are ready to git push to deploy our app to production with the SST Console. If you recall from the previous chapter, we configured it to auto-deploy the production branch.

Let’s do that by first creating a production branch.

Change indicator Run the following in the project root.

$ git checkout -b production

Change indicator Now let’s push this to GitHub.

$ git push --set-upstream origin production
$ git push

Now if you head into the Autodeploy tab for your app in the SST Console, you’ll notice a new deployment in progress.

SST Console production deploy in progress

Once the deploy is complete, you’ll notice the outputs at the bottom.

Prod build stack outputs

Test Our App in Production

Let’s check out our app in production.

App update live screenshot

To give it a quick test, sign up for a new account and create a note. You can also test updating and removing a note. And also test out the billing page.

Congrats! Your app is now live!

Let’s wrap things up next.